Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Resumming of Bell Practice and Ringing

As the Lockdowns have started to ease, we have very cautiously gone back to the tower.  For the past two weeks we have rung solo on the simulator enabling us to home-in on our handling techniques, this has given us the opportunity to ring steady with the computer, while maintaining good social distancing. We have all managed rounds and some have managed plain hunting to plain bob doubles, tenoring behind to doubles and Stedman Doubles inside.

We are trying to have a weekly practice and would like to eventually get it back to a regular set night, but just at the moment our practice night is decided amongst ourselves on a week to week basis.

We are hoping it won't be too long until we ring as a team again on 'open' bells, and are hoping to ring for the next Sunday Service. We are obviously keeping a close eye on the local and national news on how well we are doing against the virus.

All our team members have now been fortunate enough to be fully vaccinated and so hopefully it won't be that long until we get back to some sort of normality.

Staffordshire Libraries Online Groups


We have a variety of Facebook Groups to help people who are isolated or lonely, or simply want to know more about getting online or share their reading recommendations.  The links to the pages are here, if you would like any further information please get in touch.








Information provided by Suzanne Potts - Haughton Parish Clerk

Belt-Up Every Time You Are In A Vehicle


Staffordshire Police want to highlight the dangers of not wearing a seat belt when in a vehicle.

Seatbelts are designed to keep you in your seat, and prevent or reduce injuries suffered in a crash. You’re twice as likely to die in a car crash if you’re not wearing a seatbelt. Not only is not wearing a seat belt deadly, it’s costly too. You can face an on-the-spot fine of £100 if found not wearing one in the front or back of a vehicle. If prosecuted, the maximum fine is £500.

Always make sure children are buckled up in your car too. They must use a child car seat until they’re 12-years-old, or 135 centimetres tall, and it is the driver's responsibility to ensure that children under the age of 14 years are restrained correctly in accordance with the law.

Ensure your car seat is the right one for your child’s height and weight and for your car - not all seats fit all cars. It also needs to conform to standards and regulations. When fitting a car seat make sure it is correctly fitted according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You can find out more information on child car seats here.

Please help us make Staffordshire’s roads safer by belting up every time you are in a vehicle and encourage your friends and family to do so too. It takes a second to do and that second could be the difference between life and death. 
 Image removed by sender. Email tracking gif

Message Sent By
Helen Hill (Police, Campaigns Officer, Staffordshire)

Message forwarded to us by Suzanne Potts (Haughton Parish Clerk)

Following of from the Salisbury Ringers

BBC 4 Sunday 8pm showed 1 of 2 "Sound Waves the science of sound"

How the different parts of an instrument ( including bells) vibrate at different frequencies. Producing a unique sound, Dr Czerski put it over very easy and clearly. No complex Maths or jargon, even I understood it (mostly).
Should be on BBC iPlayer for a month of so. 

William  Hall

A little bit of fame!

The official newsletter of the Salisbury Diocesan Guild of Ringers was used as the guest publication in this week 'Have I got News For You'  The Episode can be view via the YouTube clip below.

Please be aware that 'Have I got News For You' is aired on BBC 1 after 9pm and contains strong language, and is not suitable for younger audiences.

Jo Brand who appears on Paul Merton's team used to be a church bell ringer, anyone from any walk of life can be, or at least have ago at bell ringing.  'unless you try you don't know what you are missing!'  

During the episode the missing caption is 'rope' time, something all bell ringers have lacked of late due to the pandemic.  It is true all bell ringers will say, 'you need as much time on the end of a rope that you can get!' Hopefully it won't be too long until we are back in the tower and are brushing up on our skills.

Haughton Parish Council Survey

The closing date for the Haughton's Village Survey has been extended to 23rd May.

Please see our original post for more details:


Haughton Plant Sale


We would like to thank everyone who braved the rain to come and support our plant sale in aid of the Stafford Branch of Parkinson’s UK on the 5th May.  We set out our stalls at 14 Ash Drive and 4 Meadow Drive and thanks to your generosity, were able to send the sum of £500 to this worthwhile Charity.

In a letter of thanks received from the Parkinson’s group their Treasurer wrote:

‘Your very generous donation is most gratefully received and will be carefully spent for the benefit of people with Parkinson’s in Stafford and District’

Many thanks to everyone and we hope you enjoy your plants.

Jocelyne Lock

Peter Skelson

Haughton Gardening Guild

Subject to Government guidelines, it is hoped that Garden Guild will be able to re-start in June. In order that the Committee will be to make the  necessary arrangements with regard to seating, would anyone interested please telephone Sue Edwards on Stafford: 780921 or email to  sje46(at)hotmail.co.uk.  (Replace (at) with @

Many Thanks

Sue Edwards

Haughton Parish Council Village Survey

Thanks to everyone who has filled in the Haughton Parish Council village survey that was posted through the letterboxes. If you are yet to do so then the closing date is Monday 17th May 2021 there is a box in the newsagents for completed surveys.  The results not only helps the parish to see the needs of the villagers it also gives the council greater authority when asking Borough and county councils to do things. The survey form is available from the link below:
