Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Haughton Bell Ringing Times for August 2021


Below is a list of our proposed ringing times.  Any alterations will be made in red during the month.

Tuesday 3rd August - 8pm until 9pm - Practice

Sunday 8th August - 10am until 10,30am - Service

Wednesday 11th August - 8pm until 9pm - Practice 

Sunday 15th August - 5.30pm until 6pm - Service

Tuesday 17th August - 8pm until 9pm - Practice

Tuesday 24th August - 8pm until 9pm - Practice

Sunday 27th August - 10am until 10.30am - Service

Tuesday 31st August - 8pm until 9pm - Practice


Haughton Church Services August 2021

Below is a list of Church services for Untied Benefice of Bradley, Church Eaton, Derrington and Haughton for August 2021.  Bell ringing at Haughton will commence half an hour before each service , except for the 8,30am and unless otherwise stated.

Raising Funds for St. Mary's Stafford Bell Restoration Project

Change of Practice Night

 Due to work commitments we are changing our practice at Haughton, from Tuesday 27th to Wednesday 28th July.  8pm until 9pm

Plain Hunting - For Beginners

This week we are going to continue looking at plain hunting.  Plain Hunting is the basis of all method ringing, and if rung well can sound just as good as any complicated method.

Tuesday 20th July we are expecting 5 or 6 of our local ringers and so we will be mainly looking at Plain hunting on 4 or 5, but who knows now the restrictions lifted we might get a visitor or two, and I will have to 'think on my feet' and adapt the practice to suit!

We are going to look at ringing Plain Hunt a change at a time.

Plain Hunt on 3 (Singles) has 6 changes

Plain Hunt on 4 (Minimus) has 8 Changes 

Plain Hunt on 5 (Doubles) has 10 Changes 

Plain Hunt on 6 (Minor) (Yes you've guessed it!) has 12 Changes 

Plain Hunt on 3 is the full extent on 3 bells, there are only 6 possible changes of 3 bells and these can be achieved by plain hunting. There are 24 possible changes on 4 bells, 120 on 5 bells and 720 on 6 Bells.

To see the method Click he link below:

Plain Hunting

Handling for Beginners

Peal at Moreton Corbett

It was a bright and sunny morning when I arrived in the church grounds for our 10am start.  The temperature was already soaring in the twenties, this was going to be a hot and sticky 3 hours!

I met with my fellow ringers from the Shropshire association, it had seemed along time since we met last time in January 2020 at Upton Magna https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/view.php?id=1321341 before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Anne Williamson told us some history of the church and parish as her late husband had been vicar there for a number of years and she had been tower captain.  She told stories of how the organist used to go and play the organ in the middle of the night.  There is a castle to the east of the church which looks interesting to visit, first built around 1100 A.D.  https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/moreton-corbet-castle/, and so I am planning to take my family there fir a few hours.

We marched up the tower wearing face masks and rung our individual bells up.  Most of us hadn't rung much since the lifting of lockdown, and I hadn't rung any minor for at 18 months, so to go straight in and attempt a peal (5040 changes taking approximately 3 hours) was going to be quite interesting.  The plan was to ring some Oxford and Kent first but we quickly realised it wasn't going to be an Oxford or Kent morning, so we moved on to Cambridge and Plain Bob.  During the time I realised the methods had stopped in my head, but what I seem to have remember along the way, were the little 'traps' that one can fall into, but we all managed and completed the peal in 2 hours 45 minutes.  Further details can be found from this link: https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/view.php?id=1453241

 Details of the tower can be found below: https://dove.cccbr.org.uk/detail.php?tower=11380

NOTICE OF VACANCY - Haughton Parish Council

Haughton Parish Council

A vacancy has arisen in the office of Councillor for the Parish

Individuals who wish to be considered to fill the vacancy must
do so in writing as follows:
A letter detailing your reasons for applying and what you feel
you can bring to the role of Parish Councillor for Haughton.
Completed letters must be submitted by Wednesday 18 th
August 2021.

Please send to: Chairman Councillor Mike Allen, Glenroy,
Station Road, Haughton.

or send by email to: clerk(at)haughtonpc-staffs.org.uk (replace (at) with @)

Dated: 18 th July 2021 Suzanne Potts – Clerk to the Council

Year 6 Leavers Service

We managed to get 6 ringers for the school leavers service, thanks to a little help from our neighboring tower of Stafford, as Selwyn Jones came and helped.

We needed a little uplifting from the previous night's football, having seen Italy beating England on penalties, in the Euro Final. (Well, we'll just have to settle for the World Cup Next Year!)

The school leavers entered the Church and seemed to really enjoy hearing the church bells. They all sat down quietly and were extremely well behaved. We would like to wish them all well at their future High School, Careers and Lives. Who knows maybe one of them may be taking a winning Penalty for England one day! Whatever they be or do, I'm sure they'll be all champions.

The Bell Ringers were:

1. Trevor Stacey

2. Trevor Lock

3. Selwyn Jones

4. Mervyn Lock

5 Jocelyne Lock

6 William Hall.

and they rang Rounds, Call Changes and Plain Bob Minimus

The performance  has been sent to our National database and can be found from the link below:



Come On England...


Haughton Bell Ringers wishing England well in the Euros 2020 Final against Italy at 8pm.

Come on lads we can do this!

Haughton Bell Ringers Times July 2021


Our Bell Ringing times during July 2021 will be as follows:

Tuesday 6th July: 8pm - 9pm (Practice)

Sunday 11th July: 10am - 10.30am (Service)

Monday 12th July: 12.30pm - 1.00pm (School Leavers Service) (Time has been amended)

Wednesday 14th July: 8pm - 9pm (Practice)

Sunday 18th July: 6pm - 6.30pm (Outdoor Service) (Zoom service swapped to outdoor service)

Tuesday 20th July:  8pm - 9pm (Practice)

Tuesday 27th July: 8pm - 9pm (Practice)

All times above are suggested and may alter at any time.  Any alterations will be published on our website. 

We have 4 ringers for the school leavers service, so if any experience ringers would like to help please get in touch.

Haughton (St. Giles') Church Services July 2021

United Benefice of Bradley, Church Eaton, Derrington and Haughton Church Service Times July 2021

Haughton Bell Ringing Service Times: 11th July 10am until 10.30am  



















Please join us for Morning Prayer Monday to Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 9am on Facebook.

Benefice Coffee Morning every Tuesday starting at 10am on Zoom

Number of Total Page Visits 6325
Number of site Visits since May 2021: 504


News from Haughton Parish Council

Training Sessions supported by Support Staffordshire 
to book please click the link below:

There are 3 new sessions which support the reopening of community activities, following the easing of Covid-19 restrictions:

Session 1: Preparing to reopen premises safely

Session 2: Preparing to reopen activity groups safely

Session 3: Encouraging a safe return to community activities

We are also continuing to run a couple more sessions of the Mental Health Awareness course and later this year will be reintroducing the popular sessions on:

  • Signposting and Resources,
  • Communication and Safeguarding, and
  • Assistive Technology & Digital skills


Each session lasts for 1 hour and all sessions are free to attend.

This is being shared with parish and town councils to share through their networks, but please also note that parish councillors are more than welcome to attend some of the training themselves too.

To book, visit: https://www.supportstaffordshire.org.uk/events/upcoming-training

We are excited to announce the launch of the fifth annual Community Awards.

Do you know someone who gives up their own time to help others or who  has set up a local  lunch club or foodbank? Are you involved with projects that promote a healthier lifestyle, like  setting up a walking club or cook and learn project? Is there a business or group which contributes to a healthier environment through litter picking, recycling projects, keeping your community clean and tidy or has taken action to conserve wildlife? Are you involved in a project that has helped support people through Covid-19?

If you have a relevant project we would love you to apply for the new Stafford Borough Council Community Awards 2021.

You can either apply for your self or nominate someone you know that fits the description, awards are open to individuals, community groups, schools, voluntary sector organisations, community interest companies and public or private organisations working hard to contribute to the wellbeing of their community.

More details and the application form can be found here: www.staffordbc.gov.uk/communityawards

All application forms need to be sent to communityawards@staffordbc.gov.uk  - The closing date is 20 September 2021
Good News Story :
Click on the link below to read about a £10,000 donation to a Stafford charity which supports families who have suffered the bereavement of a child.
















Have Your Say To Help To Enhance The Safety of Girls and Women In Public Spaces

Have you ever experienced intimidation, harassment or violence in a public space?

The Government has launched a new fund to improve and address the safety of girls and women in public areas.

It is important the Staffordshire Commissioner’s Office understands the views and experiences of women and girls over the age of 12 so that if successful in their bid they are able to work with existing services and partners to enhance services for young girls and women who live, work, and socialise within our community.

It is important they gain an insight into the experiences, those not reported as well as those reported, to improve the safety of public spaces.

This survey will take no more than 5 minutes to complete and is entirely anonymous, we'd appreciate your support in promoting it within your local community


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Message Sent By
Emma Ray (Staffordshire Police, Community Engagement Assistant, Staffordshire)