Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Change of Haughton's Practice Night

Next week we are going to practice on Wednesday 1st September instead of Tuesday 30th August.  Times will be 7.30pm to 8pm (Bell Handling Practice) 8pm to 9pm (Open Practice) - This is due to work commitments on Tuesday.

Plain Hunt Doubles by Numbers

This is very controversial throughout the bell ringing community.  Should you learn numbers? I personally can see both the sides of the argument; learning numbers will probably not lead the team much further that plain hunting, but learning places may lead the team to frustration and inevitably members may leave.  As long as the Plain Hunting is 'well struck', does it really matter how we get there?

The worksheet in the link below has been designed for each learner, so they can to write the numbers 'Their Bell Follows Follows' The tenor ringer may also benefit from a form.

Just a reminder of plain hunt doubles

1 2 3 4 5 6

2 1 4 3 5 6

2 4 1 5 3 6

4 2 5 1 3 6

4 5 2 3 1 6

5 4 3 2 1 6

5 3 4 1 2 6 

3 5 1 4 2 6

3 1 5 2 4 6

1 3 2 5 4 6

1 2 3 4 5 6 

So discarding rounds at the top the first box should be:

Bell 1. (2)

Bell 2. (L)

Bell 3. (4)

Bell 4. (1)

Bell 5. (3)

Bell 6. (5)

Fill out the rest on the worksheet.  If you have a Red, Orange and Green Pen then all the more better, use the different colours to differentiated  the speed required to successfully complete the change. (or just circle the correct speed on the form)

Keep Writing it out until you know it off by heart.

Worksheet - Plain Hunt Doubles by Numbers


The Mobile Belfry at the County Show

This year the Staffordshire Agriculture County Show will be held on Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th August, and as usual the bell ringers will be exhibiting and ringing the Lichfield Diocesan Mobile belfry.

The North Staffs Bell Ringers are responsible for the running of events on the Wednesday, and require some experienced ringers to help on Wednesday afternoon,  If anyone is interested in helping please contact Nigel Horrit through the North Staffs Website: https://www.nsacr.org.uk/v2-officers.php

 If you are a non-ringer and are attending the County Show, the mobile belfry it is well worth a visit.  It is great fun and demonstrations in detail the art of church bell ringing.  The bell ringers will explain in great  detail, what is going on, and what goes on at a ringing practice.  If you are interested in learning to ring, they will direct you to your nearest tower.  As at Haughton, most towers are always in great need on new recruits, whether you are a lapsed ringer who would like to start again, or if you want to have ago for the first time, you will be most welcome.

Bell ringing is a great hobby for all ages from 10 to 99.  You don't need to be strong, you just need to be able to give an hour of your time once a week for practice and be available for Service ringing.  It is a very sociable hobby with most towers going for a drink afterwards and most will hold annual events such as, day-trips, weekends away, barbecues etc.

North Staffs ClapperTrappings Summer 2021

Once again Thank you to the editors of ClapperTrappings 'Lydia and Helen' and all the contributors bring another fantastic edition of the North Staffs ClapperTrapping.

To see the issue click the link below for a PDF file to load. 

ClapperTrapping Summer 2021

Haughton August Litter Picks

I know a lot of people have been litter picking individually and trying to keep parts of the village tidy so we thought a number of Village litter picks would help. It will also give us some practice for next year when hopefully Best Kept Village will start again. They will occur on all the Wednesday afternoons in August starting at 2:00pm  meeting at the rear of the shops. That is the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th August.

High Visibility jackets must be worn and we ask everyone to check in at the start. If you can sort out your litter pickers from the back of the cupboard and the any High Viz jackets you have it would be of great help. Bags, some litter pickers and some High Viz tops will be available at the start of each session.

The Parish council has agree to use its insurance to cover us for these litter picks as part of community initiatives.

All are welcome.

Ian Sunley
Haughton BKV Coordinator 2021
iansunley(at)icloud.com (at) = @