Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Haughton August Litter Picks

I know a lot of people have been litter picking individually and trying to keep parts of the village tidy so we thought a number of Village litter picks would help. It will also give us some practice for next year when hopefully Best Kept Village will start again. They will occur on all the Wednesday afternoons in August starting at 2:00pm  meeting at the rear of the shops. That is the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th August.

High Visibility jackets must be worn and we ask everyone to check in at the start. If you can sort out your litter pickers from the back of the cupboard and the any High Viz jackets you have it would be of great help. Bags, some litter pickers and some High Viz tops will be available at the start of each session.

The Parish council has agree to use its insurance to cover us for these litter picks as part of community initiatives.

All are welcome.

Ian Sunley
Haughton BKV Coordinator 2021
iansunley(at)icloud.com (at) = @

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