Judith Smythe who left us the lovely comment on Facebook has also provide the video of us ringing below. Thank You Judith
Welcome to our website dedicated to Bell Ringing and the Village of Haughton, near Stafford. Please subscribe to receive updates and news by email. Feel free to contact us with information you would like us to put on the site and Share the link www.thebellringers.org.uk with your friends, family and neighbours. We practice weekly on a Tuesday at 8pm.
Haughton Village News

St. Giles Church Open Day 30th October 2021
The Church has had an open day today and so the bell ringers rang between 12noob to 1pm. Trevor Stacey, William Hall, Karen Powell, Mervyn Lock, Jocelyne Lock, Trevor Lock all had a ring, and the methods that were rung were; Places, Plain Hunt Singles, Plain Hunt Minimus, St. Remigius Singles, and Grandsire Minimus.
We also had a nice comment left on the village Facebook account. Thank You Jude.
Stay Safe This Halloween - Advice from Staffordshire Police
Although lots of people enjoy Halloween, it can be a concerning evening for vulnerable residents as there’s the possibility of someone approaching their property uninvited.
If you have concerns, or you support a vulnerable person, we’d encourage you to display a sign in the window/or the door to let trick or treaters know you’d prefer for them not to knock the door.I’ve attached this sign which also contains tips to stay safe over Halloween, please share this advice with your friends, family, and neighbours.
We hope you won’t, but if you do see any antisocial behaviour over Halloween you can report this through the Staffordshire Police website, by private messaging us on Facebook and Twitter or by calling 101. Always call 999 in an emergency.
For more safety tips visit: https://www.staffordshire.
If you're celebrating Halloween have a great time, stay safe and look out for each other.
Emma Ray (Staffordshire Police, Communications Officer, Staffordshire) via Haughton Parish Council
Ringing for Harvest Festival
We decided to make a special effort for our Harvest Festival Service and to attempt a quarter peal. A full peal is 5040 changes (full extent on 7 bells) and so a quarter peal is 1260 changes.
We rang 210 extents of plain hunt singles with 4 and 5 behind. One extent of plain hunt singles is 6 changes long, and so 210 extents gave us our 1260 changes.
The Bell Ringers Were:
1. Karen Powell
2. Trevor Lock (Conductor)
3. Mervyn Lock
4. Trevor Stacey
5. Dick Bowler.
William Hall, Jocelyne Lock, and Hilary Saunders would also like to be associated with this quarter. It was Karen's first-ever quarter, 'Well Done Karen!'
A link to the BellBoard submission is available here: https://bb.ringingworld.co.uk/view.php?id=1464649
Also happy belated birthday to Trevor Stacey. He had his own unique 'T-shirt' bought by his daughter for him.
Message from South Staffordshire Police
As the darker nights are setting in, don't let an opportunist burglar see your home as an easy target.
Use an automatic plugin time switch to operate a lamp or light at pre-set times when you're out or away.
For more advice take a look at our website: https://orlo.uk/UkDgQ.
Leave a light on in your property if you're heading out for the evening to help deter potential burglarsImage removed by sender. Email tracking gif
Message Sent By Adrian Price (Police, PCSO, South Staffordshire) and supplied to us from Haughton Parish Council.
Autumn Clappertrappings
The North Staffs Autumn 2021 Clappertrapping is available for viewing from the link below:
Peal Ringing at Beckbury
The one thing I love about bell ringing is the places it takes me! Many places it takes me, I would never normally visit, and lately, I've been lucky enough to have been invited to ring a full peal with the Shropshire association bands. A full peal consists of 5040 and roughly takes 3 hours to ring (non-stop).
Beckbury is a lovely little village on the Shorpshire and Staffordshire border near to Albrighton. It was late summer sunny afernoon, there was a band playing at the local shop/pub, and I could smell freshly cut grass as I walked towards the church.-
For the Bell Ringers Most towers have bell ringers all at different stages, from learning how to pull a rope and controlling a bell, throug...
Tonight with the christmas lights switch on our tower captain Trevor decided it would be a good Idea to open the church for people to see ho...
On Saturday 25th June 2002 5040 a full peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung at Brewood celebrating HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee. Wha...