Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Shropshire Inn Valentines Menu 2020

The Shropshire's Valentine Menu will be served from 5pm on Friday 14th February.

Please can call us 01785 780 904 to reserve a table 

Church Coffee Morning

The monthly coffee morning will be held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 4th February 2020 in the Village Hall at 10.30 am.  Proceeds to Church Funds

St. Giles Church Service Times - 2nd Feb 2020

Sun 2nd February 2020:
11.15am  Parish Communion 
Service Ringing 10.45am to 11.15am
Sides Persons: J. Gough - Reader: J Cook - Hebrews 2. 14-18

Monday 3rd February 2020:
Bell ringing practice will be usual: 7.45pm until 9pm

Haughton Countryside and Gardening Guide

AGM- 22nd February 2020
Please contact Avril or Barbara for tickets so that sufficient food can be prepared.  If you have anything suitable for prizes, please bring with you on the evening.

PLANT SALE: - 16th May 2020
We would be grateful for anything gardening related; plants, books, seedlings, seeds in packets, bedding plants, tools, and any other items.  Please bring them to the Village Hall on the morning of the Sale.

ANNUAL OUTING: Wednesday 17th June 2020
It is proposed by the committee that we visit Arley Hall - See their website for details:

The cost of the coach is £10 per person.
Entrance Fee to Gardens is £8 per person
Entrance Fee to Both Hall and Gardens is £11

The outing to open to members and non-members. Assuming we have sufficient numbers the coach fee needs to be paid by 18th May

An informative talk will be given to advise us of the types of scams that are operating by telephone, email etc. and how to deal with them

Andy Harrison - Live Music - The Bell at Haughton -31st January 2020

Andy Harrison will be performing Live in the Bell on Friday 31st January 2020 - For further details contact the Bell''s Website:

or visit

Shropshire Inn Valentines Menu 2020

The Shropshire's Valentine Menu will be served from 5pm on Friday 14th February.

Please can call us 01785 780 904 to reserve a table 

This Weeks Church Services

Sun 26th January 2020:
8.00am - Holy Communion
Sides Person: P Atkin
11.15am  Parish Communion - Service Ringing 10.45am to 11.15am 
Sides Persons: T. Busby - Reader: J Gough - 1 Corinthians 1. 10-18

Drawing Workshop

Haughton Christmas Lights 2019

The total raised from this year village Christmas lights was

Thank you to everyone who displayed light and gave generously

This Weeks Church Services and Bell Ringing Times

Sun 19th January 2020:
11.15am Parish Communion - Service Ringing 10.45am to 11.15am

Monday 20th January 2020:
7.45pm until 9pm - Normal Practice

Wednesday 22nd January 2020:
7.45pm until 9pm - Quarter Peal from Visiting Band

To view future service times click here

Don't forget to check out the other village news: 

New Fitness Class for Over 60's





Haughton Village Hall


Starting on

Monday 10th February 2020

11.30am to 12.30pm



Just turn up

All Abilities welcome


Shropshire Inn Valentines Menu 2020

The Shropshire's Valentine Menu will be served from 5pm on Friday 14th February.

Please can call us 01785 780 904 to reserve a table 

Haughton Gardening Guild

A reminder to Garden Guild members that our first 2020 meeting will be on 
Monday 20th January at the usual time.

The AGM is on 22nd February. If you have not already got a ticket they will 
be on sale at the above meeting.


Stafford Raspberry Jam

Stafford Raspberry Jam will be holding their monthly meeting inside Stafford Library on Tiping Street, Tuesday 14th January 5.45pm to 8.45pm.  For more information or to contact Cerys click the link below:

Ringing and Service Times Sunday 12th January

The service on Sunday 12th January 2020 is at 8am.  There is no 11.15am service and so there is no ringing.

11 ringers attended last nights practice, which included Andy and Pet Hughes from Penkridge.  We rang rounds and call changes, Reverse Plain Hunt doubles, Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles.

Visiting Band - Saturday 4th January

There maybe a visiting band coming on Saturday 4th January at 10am.

Further details will be displayed here later in the week.

North Staffs Meeting - Saturday 4th January at Tunstall

This month's meeting is at Tunstall.  

12 Noon    Pub Lunch - The Chatterley Whitfield, Carsington Drive, ST6 5GA 

1:30 - 3:30pm    Afternoon ringing 

For more details use this link:

New - Local Business Directory

We've added a local business directory to our site this week. Most of the businesses listed have been supporting Haughton Village and it's magazine for many years, Thank You, and so we have listed you for free. Most adverts are based on the last edition of the Church and Village Magazine in December 2019.   The magazine did make a useful directory and hopefully, this site will do the same.  If we have missed your local business, then sorry, please email and we'll be more than happy to add you. Should you wish to alter, remove or add any information please contact:

To view the directory click here: Local Business Directory
or find it listed in the menu on the right-hand side.

Welcoming in the New Year 2020

We've rung in the New Year. William Hall rung the Tenor twelve times to mark the hour and then we proceeded to ring 20 (to mark the year) extents of Plain Hunt Minimus.

The ringers were:

Treble: Jocelyne Lock
2nd: Trevor Lock 
3rd: Helen Turner-Murphy 
4th: Mervyn Lock
5th: Trevor Stacey
6th: William Hall

Nigel Murphy (Helen's Husband) was also there with drinks and snacks to support the ringers.