Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Haughton Countryside and Gardening Guide

AGM- 22nd February 2020
Please contact Avril or Barbara for tickets so that sufficient food can be prepared.  If you have anything suitable for prizes, please bring with you on the evening.

PLANT SALE: - 16th May 2020
We would be grateful for anything gardening related; plants, books, seedlings, seeds in packets, bedding plants, tools, and any other items.  Please bring them to the Village Hall on the morning of the Sale.

ANNUAL OUTING: Wednesday 17th June 2020
It is proposed by the committee that we visit Arley Hall - See their website for details:

The cost of the coach is £10 per person.
Entrance Fee to Gardens is £8 per person
Entrance Fee to Both Hall and Gardens is £11

The outing to open to members and non-members. Assuming we have sufficient numbers the coach fee needs to be paid by 18th May

An informative talk will be given to advise us of the types of scams that are operating by telephone, email etc. and how to deal with them

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