Welcome to our website dedicated to Bell Ringing and the Village of Haughton, near Stafford. Please subscribe to receive updates and news by email. Feel free to contact us with information you would like us to put on the site and Share the link www.thebellringers.org.uk with your friends, family and neighbours. We practice weekly on a Tuesday at 8pm.
Haughton Village News

Ringing of newly installed Dumbbell at Stoke Minster before Quarter Peal for Restored Spitfire
St. Giles Church Haughton Bell Ringing Times October 2021
Tuesday 5th October - Practice 7.30pm until 9pm
Thursday 7th - Silent Practice (Stage 2) - 9am until 10am
Sunday 10th - Service Ringing - 10am until 10.30am
Tuesday 12th October - No Practice
Sunday 17th October - 3.00pm until 4pm - Harvest Festival (Quarter Peal Attempt)
Tuesday 19th - Practice 7.30pm until 8.30pm
Sunday 24th October - No Service Ringing
Tuesday 26th October - No Practice (Half-Term)
FREE defibrillator training
FREE defibrillator training for Haughton Parish residents at the Bell on Saturday 25th September and Saturday 16th October, 10am. Please come along, a couple of hours training could help save a life! Haughton has four defibrillator units located at the Bell and the Shropshire pubs, the Village Hall and outside the village shops. The free training has been organised by Haughton Parish Council, and will be delivered by Gnosall First Responders. Thank you to the Bell for providing a venue
Anti-Sociable Behaviour
There has been a few reports of anti-sociable behaviour of late and local residents are urging you to contact the Police and/ or Stafford and Rural Homes on 0800 111 4554 to report any disturbances.
- noisy neighbours.
- graffiti.
- drinking or drug use which leads to people being rowdy and causing trouble.
- large groups hanging about in the street (if they are causing, or likely to cause, alarm and distress)
- litter problems.
- abandoned vehicles
- drug dealing
Mrs Bolas - Funeral
Practice Night Cancelled
Our planned practice night this evening is cancelled, due to other commitments. Our next ringing session is on Sunday at 10am for Sunday Service.
Mrs Doreen Bolas 1926 to 2021
It is with great sadness to report the passing of Mrs Bolas. She lived in Ash Drive in the late 80's to the early 90's and prior to that she had lived down Shawman's Lane for many years. She was an active member of the White Heather Club and the WI.
I always remember walking home from school chatting to her while she was tending to her Garden with Les Jenks who live in the flat next door to her.
She then left the village and moved to Telford to be closer to her Granddaughter and family.
R.I.P Mrs Bolas
P.S. I'm hoping I have got her birth year correct, if I haven't please let me know. If you would like to add anything to the posting, or add your memories of her, please just email me.
Trevor Lock
Easyfundraisier for the North Staffs Bell Restoration Fund
Since, Lisa Horritt joined (NSACR) to the Easyfundraiser, we have 8 supporters and together they have raised £148.92 for bell restoration projects within our association.
North Staffs September 2021 meeting at Broughton
In the car, we discussed how the Hall at Broughton had once been owned by nuns, but was now owned by John Caudwell (The Phones 4U chap). Full details of the hall can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broughton_Hall,_Staffordshire
After arriving at the Church we met and I introduced the North Staffs Ringers to Dick and Karen; Tim and Jan Hine, Selwyn Jones, from Stafford, Rob Barcroft from Horton, and John Hall from Alton. Although a little 'thin on the ground', probably due to the fact it was the first meeting in person since Lockdown, we managed to ring some well struck, rounds and called changes, Grandsire doubles, Plain Bob Minor and Stedman Doubles. Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and it was great to be back in the company of ringing friends.
Haughton Ringing Times for September 2021
The list of proposed ringing times during September are shown below. If any times or sessions change we will publish them on this site. The month we are going to try and have two silent practices on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays.
Thursday 9th September - Practice 8pm until 9pm (Cancelled)
Sunday 12th September - Service Ringing 10am for 10.30am service
Thursday 16th September - Practice 8pm until 9pm
Sunday 19th September - Service Ringing 3.30pm for 4pm service
Wednesday 22nd September - Practice 8pm until 9pm
Tuesday 28th September - Practice 8pm until 9pm
For the Bell Ringers Most towers have bell ringers all at different stages, from learning how to pull a rope and controlling a bell, throug...
Tonight with the christmas lights switch on our tower captain Trevor decided it would be a good Idea to open the church for people to see ho...
On Saturday 25th June 2002 5040 a full peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung at Brewood celebrating HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee. Wha...