Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Bell Ringing and Church Service Times for Haughton St. Giles May 2022

Monday 2nd May - 7.30pm to 9pm - Bank Holiday Quarter Peal Attempt

Sunday 8th May - 10am Ringing for 10.30 Service

Sunday 15th May - 3.30pm Ringing for 4pm Service

Thursday 26th May - 7pm for 7.30pm Ascention Day Service

Practice will be every Tuesday Evening 8pm until 9pm.

Silent practice is available before our normal practice please ask Trevor.

We always welcome new members, whether you would just like to see how the bells work, or would like to have ago, please come along a join us.

Keep Haughton Tidy Group


Easter Sunday Ringing 2022

We managed to get 5 ringers to ring for our Easter Sunday service and we had some good rounds and call changes along with some plain hunting.

We are always need of extra ringers, so if you would like to have ago, please come and join us on a Tuesday Evening at 8pm.

Church Coffee Mornings

There will be no coffee morning in April, but they will commence again in May

John Stewart




To be held on Monday, 25th April, 2022 at 7.00 pm

In Haughton Village Hall. 

Subject: Climate change

Dianne Hewgill, Climate Change Officer for Staffordshire County Council will be giving a talk on how the Council aim to achieve net zero carbon emissions for the organisation by 2050.  The Council has put plans in place and is working hard to deliver projects to reduce and monitor its carbon emissions each year. The talk will highlight the plans Staffordshire County Council has in place, some of  their achievements to date and what we can all do to make a difference.

Light refreshments - Tea, Coffee, Cake and Biscuits are available.

This is a chance to meet your Parish Councillors and raise any matters which you would like dealt with by the Council.

Time Hop - Haughton Bell Ringing Team

 I think this photo was taken late 2019 or early 2020.  Photo supplied by William Hall

The Staffordshire BKV competition

The Staffordshire BKV competition has now been launched and is renamed the Best Kept Village Community competition.

Haughton has a history of doing well in this competition over many years which means that we have all become a lot older and we need fresh faces with new ideas and a better grip of modern technology to run it. (well any grip of modern technology to be honest). 
Anyone interested in  taking part in the organisation, publicity, planning  or any other role please can you contact the current retiring coordinator Ian Sunley by email.
Lots of past information is available and plenty of support and finance can be provided for this year. 

if you are proud of your village as I know many of us are then please contact me.

George Ian Sunley