Welcome to our website dedicated to Bell Ringing and the Village of Haughton, near Stafford. Please subscribe to receive updates and news by email. Feel free to contact us with information you would like us to put on the site and Share the link www.thebellringers.org.uk with your friends, family and neighbours. We practice weekly on a Tuesday at 8pm.
Haughton Village News

NHS Covid-19 app
Bell Ringing 23rd September
Bell Ringing Practice - Wednesday 16th September 2020
Ann Hodgkins - 1937 to 2020
Bell Ringing - Wednesday 9th September 2020
Haughton WI Report - September 2020
Haughton WI Report
Just to update all Members on the ‘behind the scenes’ functioning of the WI. Since our AGM on March 2nd we were forced to go into ‘lockdown’, but this has not meant that your Committee has had no function. Our very able President, Laurie, has spent many hours working on the archives, also updating, together with PamWillis, all member’s details to enable the WI to, where possible, circulate any news by email.
I can now confirm that Haughton WI held its first, socially distancing, Committee meeting on Monday 7th September, in the Village Hall, with everyone following the stringent rules provided by the Village Hall Committee to conform to the present Covid restrictions.
The meeting began with the sad announcement of the loss of two of our Members, Doreen Wheatcroft and Trina Busby, both having been stalwart Members of the WI over many years. We now have 49 Members. The election of all officers took place and all Committee members were allocated specific jobs. Lynne Bowering was welcomed as a new Committee member.
Monday 7th September 2020 was a very special day, it being the 100th Birthday of Haughton WI. Any celebrations planned for this are, obviously, postponed, but the Village WI sign is in the process of being renovated and will carry the new inscription Haughton WI 1920 -2020 Our very full programme of guest speakers for 2020/21 have, generally, all been transferred to the 2021/22 year, with grateful thanks to Trina Ritchie for arranging this. Our Christmas meal, scheduled for 28th November 2020, is being re-scheduled for Saturday 27th November 2021. On a lighter note, the annual WI subscriptions, normally due on the first meeting in January, will now not be due until April 2021!!
Finally, a very big thank you to Peter Skelson and the Village Hall Committee for all the tremendous amount of work they have all put in, and continue to do after each use, to make the Village Hall so very able to cater for attendees during these very difficult Covid times.
Jenny Mincher-Lockett
Lost Keys
Experienced Ringer Required for the next 2 Sunday's
Details of the September Services and Bell Ringing at St Giles
Sunday, 6th September, at 10.00a.m. Morning Prayer led by the Worship Group.
Sunday, 13th September, 10.00a.m. -11.00a.m. Private PrayerFrom October 2020 there will be a new regular pattern of Services and further details will be published nearer the time. Please note that members of the congregation are required to wear masks and use the hand sanitizer provided. In addition to the Rector, Organist, Choir members, and Bell ringers, we are allowed 27 Members in the congregation.
BKV - August 2020
I am writing this on a very windy day, truly unseasonal. This time normally we would have had the results, had a prize giving and a glass of wine either in celebration or in conciliation. Alas, not this year.
For the Bell Ringers Most towers have bell ringers all at different stages, from learning how to pull a rope and controlling a bell, throug...
Tonight with the christmas lights switch on our tower captain Trevor decided it would be a good Idea to open the church for people to see ho...
On Saturday 25th June 2002 5040 a full peal of Plain Bob Triples was rung at Brewood celebrating HM Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee. Wha...