Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Easter Ringing at Seighford 2024

It been quite a while since the bells rang out for services at Seighford, with just two or three remaining members it is hard to form a band, so a couple of us from Haughton and Swynnerton teams have been going to support them.

Local Ken Anderson came and took a couple of videos of us ringing for their Easter Service.


I hear there are 18 clock winders at Seighford, that quite an achievement.  If any of you or anyone else would like to learn to help and ring the bells please get in touch.


Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening 8pm until 9pm (except for the 2nd Tuesday in the month, when the practice is moved to the Thursday of the same week) We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

April 2024 Bell Ringing ties for Haughton, Seighford and Chesbey

Service Ringing
Sunday 7th - Chebsey 9.30am to 10am

Sunday 14th - Haughton - 10am to 10.30am

Sunday 21st - Haughton - 5pm to 6pm Quarter Peal for Evening Prayer Service

Sunday 28th - Seighford - 9.30am to 10am

Practice Ringing
Tuesday 2nd - Haughton - Normal Local Practice
Tuesday 9th - Haughton - Normal Local Practice
Tuesday 16th - NSA Tuesday Daytime band 2pm until 3pm TBC
Tuesday 16th - Evening ringing at Lilleshall 8 to 9pmTBC
Tuesday 23rd - Doubles Practice
Tuesday 30th - Normal Local Practice.

Other Local Practices:
Swynnerton Wednesday at 8pm to 9pm
Stafford Wednesday 7.30pm to 9pm

We actively seeking new member's, if you have a spare hour please come along to see us.  It's a great fascinating hobby.


Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening 8pm until 9pm (except for the 2nd Tuesday in the month, when the practice is moved to the Thursday of the same week) We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

Quarter Peal Rung for Mothering Sunday

We rang a quarter peal for Mothering Sunday, the ringers were:

1. Gill Smith
2. David Crump
3. Karen Powell
4. Trevor Lock (C)
5. Josiah Weaver

We rang 53 extents of Plain Bob Minimus and it took 43 minutes.  It was Josiah's first quarter (hopefully of many) 

Happy Mother's day everyone.

Please click this link to view on Bell Board

We donated £5 to the Ronald McDonald Houses appeal, for more information an to donate visit:


Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening 8pm until 9pm (except for the 2nd Tuesday in the month, We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media