Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Art Exhibition - St. Giles Church Haughton

Marion was a very talented local artist who sadly passed away recently at the age of 93.  Her work is being displayed in the church for people to come a see and make bids on the painting.  Do please come along.  All proceeds to will go to St. Giles Church Haughton.

Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening from 8pm until 9pm. We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us to find out more. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

Gardening Guild Plant Sale - Saturday 20th May

There is a plant sale on Saturday 20th May a Haughton Village Hall, starting at 2pm until 4pm. 

Please come along and have a browse....


Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening from 8pm until 9pm. We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us to find out more. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

Ringing for HM King Charles III - Haughton

Our team turn up at 9,30am this morning and started to ring the bells up.  We started off with some good steady rounds and call changes which included King's (531246) and Queens (135246).  The local village was invited to come and join us and to ring for HM King Charles III on his coronation day.  We each visitor was given a safety briefing and then rang some backstrokes

The ringers were:
Trevor Lock (C)
Mervyn Lock
Jocelyne Lock
Trevor Stacey
Karen Powell
Samuel Weaver
Hilary Saunders
William Hall
Peter Farr
Revd Kath Brumfit
Lynne Farr
Roxanne Rogers
Eren Top

The performance and be viewed here on Bellboard
and a certificate of the performance can be downloaded from here:
I hope I have spelt everyone's name right, if I haven't please let me know and I will correct it.

Well done everyone thank you for coming and we do hope you come along soon to enjoy out lovely village bells.

Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening from 8pm until 9pm. We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us to find out more. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

A Royal Knees Up - Sunday 7th May

Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening from 8pm until 9pm. We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us to find out more. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

Come and Ring for the King

We will be ringing for King Charles III Coronation on Saturday 6th May.  Ringing will commence at 9.30am until 11.30am

Why not join us? and become a part of history. No experience is necessary as the experience bell ringers will be here to help...

If you want more information text or email:

Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening from 8pm until 9pm. We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us to find out more. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media

Haughton Bell Ringing Times May 2023

Saturday 6th May - 9.30am until 11.30am - Coronation Ringing - Come and join us

Sunday 14th May - 10am for 10.30am Holy Communion Service

Wednesday 17th May - 6pm for a 6.30pm Compline Service

Sunday 21st May - 5.30pm for a 6pm Service

Saturday 27th May at 2.30pm for 3pm Wedding

Haughton Bell Ringers practice every Tuesday evening from 8pm until 9pm. We welcome new ringers, and anyone who would like to visit us to find out more. Please feel free to share this post by text, email or social media