Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

North Staffs September 2021 meeting at Broughton

We had been discussing visiting other towers during our practice nights at Haughton for quite a while.  Dick and Karen had just begun ringing in rounds just before Lockdown and so both had never visited another tower.  The September's North Staffs meeting was due to be held at Broughton, this seemed a fine opportunity to start. I arranged to meet Dick at the back of the church and we proceeded to Broughton picking Karen up on the way. 

In the car, we discussed how the Hall at Broughton had once been owned by nuns, but was now owned by John Caudwell (The Phones 4U chap). Full details of the hall can be found at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Broughton_Hall,_Staffordshire

After arriving at the Church we met and I introduced the North Staffs Ringers to Dick and Karen; Tim and Jan Hine, Selwyn Jones, from Stafford, Rob Barcroft from Horton,  and John Hall from Alton. Although a little 'thin on the ground', probably due to the fact it was the first meeting in person since Lockdown, we managed to ring some well struck, rounds and called changes, Grandsire doubles, Plain Bob Minor and Stedman Doubles.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and it was great to be back in the company of ringing friends.


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