Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Horace’s Trip 2020

Horace's trip this year will be on Wednesday 3rd June and will be to Liverpool.

We will leave the Shropshire on at 9.00am following coffee and biscuits.
We will return at approximately 7pm for dinner at the Shropshire Inn.

The cost will £5 per person from the village and £20 per guest or people from the village under retirement age.
The cost of the trip is in the main financed by two lotteries.For numerous reasons at this moment we have several vacancies that l really need to fill as soon as possible. The cost is £5 per month paid by standing order. The prize is £40 each week for the winning number.

I would greatly appreciate it if you would like to join the lottery. Please contact me Peter Rowley on 780550.
You do not have to subscribe to the lottery to go on the trip.

The trip has taken place for many many years and now we continue it in
Horace's memory, hopefully for many years to come.

Please contact me on 780550 to  reserve your seat for the trip.

Many thanks

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