Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Lent 2020 - St. Giles Haughton

The  Christian season of Lent lasts for forty days from ASH WEDNESDAY (this year February 26th) until PALM SUNDAY (April 5th). It commemorates the forty days which Jesus Christ spent in the wilderness preparing his ministry of teaching, healing, and preaching. Christians have often been told to  'give up something for Lent', but a more positive way of spending Lent is to 'do something extra for God'. Perhaps a bit more Bible reading and thinking about our faith (our churches hold a weekly study group during Lent) or helping charitable causes by supporting the Bishop of Lichfield's Lent Appeal.

What about attending a special service of Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday? (7.30pm at Haughton), or if you like something a bit lighter, come to a service on Mothering Sunday (March 22nd) at 8.00am or 11.15am at Haughton or 9.30 at Derrington. Finally,  cap it all off with a Palm Sunday service (9.30 Derrington or 11.15 at Haughton), receive a Palm cross and look forward to Easter.

Geoff Smith

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