Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Best Kept Village - March Newsletter

Many of you will be wondering what is happening with all the uncertainty surrounding Coronavirus.

I received an E-Mail yesterday saying that the BKV County competition has been cancelled for this year. 

However, the committee has got together with lots of handwashing and decided that a lot of what happens each year is designed to make the village look good and tidy. We are therefore going to continue with the litter picks, flower borders and garden, and hanging basket competitions. For increased safety, there will be disposable gloves if you need them and we recommend that you stay 6 feet apart if possible (that is normal for litter picking anyway)

Expect the dates to be released in the next week as we finally tweak everything.

This year we are also trying to grow most of our own plants from mini plug plants and as the plants grow I may be appealing for greenhouse space to grow some of them on. 

We do of course have all your safety in mind but also realise if you are stuck at home you may be getting bored so this may give a little light exercise.

If you have any questions please E-Mail me

Ian Sunley
Haughton BKV Coordinator 2020
iansunley(at)icloud.com    replace (at) with @

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