Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Collect of the day
God of compassion, whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary,
shared the life of a home in Nazareth and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself, strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and sorrow we may know the power of your presence to bind us all together and to heal,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Read the Epistle from
2 Corinthians 1.3-7
and the Gospel from
Luke 2.33-35.
Offer some short prayers:
Lord, you are steadfast in your love and infinite in your mercy,
I praise you for what you have done in my life ..... (think about some of the good things)
Thank you for the gift of Jesus who shows us what we are really like.
I confess my sins trusting in you to forgive me.
and l pray for
Those who will feel more isolated than most at this time.
For those needing to make decisions in order to care for others
For those concerned at not being able to attend a church service
and for any others matters on your mind ........
Holy God, l remember that you have promised that nothing will separate us from your love, so,
help us in our sufferings and trials and strengthen us in our weakness through Jesus Christ our Lord.
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and always.
Thank you Geoffrey. If any other clubs and village organisations would like to share there thoughts, ideas during these differcult and strange times please do contact us.