Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Some thoughts on home worship for GOOD FRIDAY

Jesus dies on a cross for all people and for our salvation. A day normally

for processions of witness in our towns and villages, but this year all will be silent, as there was silence for three hours over the place where he died on that momentous day.

Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ

There is a greenhill far away,                        We may not know, we cannot tell

outside a city wall                                         what pains he had to bear,

where the dear Lord was crucified                but we believe it was for us

and died to save us all                                he hung and suffered there.

He died that we might be forgiven;                There was no other good enough

he died to make us good;                                to pay the price of sin;

that we might go at last to heaven                        he only could unlock the gate

saved by his precious blood                        of heaven and let us in.

O dearly, dearly has he loved

and we must love him too,

and trust in his redeeming blood,

and try his works to do.

Read the story of Good Friday from St. John's gospel

Chapter 18 verse 1 to chapter 19 verse 42!

Then say the Good Friday prayer

Almighty Father, look upon this your family for which

the Lord Jesus Christ was contented to be betrayed

and given up into the hands of sinners

and to suffer death upon the cross, who is alive and glorified

with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.


Say the Lord's Prayer

Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name,

your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as in heaven.

Give us today our daily bread.

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and for ever.  Amen.

Add a few short prayers of your own.

May your Spirit give us all a sense of calmness and peace, and the Blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ we with you always.

Now some thoughts for EASTER DAY

A message from the Bishops in the Diocese of Lichfield

We send you warm greetings as we prepare to celebrate an Easter unlike any of have known before. Public worship in our churches is suspended, but our joy in the resurrection is not to be silenced. We believe that on Jesus' cross our God has defeated the forces of death and despair, and he holds us his people in his hand. Wherever we are this Easter, let thoughts of Christian joy be in our hearts.

Thine be the glory,                                        Lo! Jesus meets us,

risen, conquering Son,                                risen from the tomb

endless is the victory                                lovingly he greets us,

thou o'er death hast won;                                scatters fear and gloom.

angels in bright raiment                                Let the Church with gladness

rolled away the stone way                                hymns of triumph sing,

kept the folded grave-clothes                        for her Lord now liveth

where the body lay                                        death has lost its sting.

Read the Easter story from St. John's Gospel

Chapter 20 verses 1 to 18

The meditate on the epistle for the day from Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 to 4

If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things which are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above not on things that are on earth, for you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life is revealed, then you also will be revealed with him in glory.

Begin you prayers with the Easter day prayer

Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty resurrection of your Son

overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him:

grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ,

may reign with him in glory, to whom you and the Holy Spirit

be praise and honour, glory and might now and in all eternity. Amen

Add a few prayers of your own,

Particularly on this Easter Day praying for your own families, friends, and fellow church members.

Pray for all NHS staff and other key workers in this time of trial,

But still thank God for the joys of springtime, for the promise of new life that both Easter and spring herald for us all.

Say the Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;

thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. Amen

Finish with a prayer from Michael, Bishop of Lichfield

Jesus Christ yesterday and todaythe beginning and the end,

Alpha and Omega, all time belongs to him, and all ages;

to him be glory and power, through every age and for ever. Amen.

Think of world without any flowers

Think of a world without and trees

Think of a sky without any sunshine

Think of the air without and breeze.

We thank you Lord for flowers and trees and sunshine,

We thank you  Lord and praise your holy name.

Geoff Smith

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