Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Haughton BKV Newsletter July 2020

Welcome to the July Haughton BKV Newsletter, I would like to start by thanking the wonderful people who have donated to the BKV fund which will allow us to continue with the planting of the borders around the village for the autumn season. As an independent group in the village we cannot survive without your support and we are very grateful..

Normally this time of year we are all trying to keep a lookout for BKV judges in July as this would mean we have good chance of winning something, alas as the competition is not running the lookouts are not needed. It is also the time of year when we start running our hanging basket and garden competition which has also been put on hold due to social distancing. instead I have enclosed some pictures of village gardens at their best. If you would like your garden shown next month then please send me some photos, as you will notice I have to keep the exact location a secret due to Data protection.

If you cannot read the archive please let me know.

Happy gardening and tidying

Ian Sunley
Haughton BKV Coordinator 2020
iansunley(at)icloud.com  (at) = @


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