Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Letter from Rev'd Cath Brumfitt

Hello from the Rector!

Since our move to the rectory and my licensing as your new rector, we have received lots of messages from across the benefice welcoming myself and Mark to the area. We both feel truly blessed to be here and thank you all for the welcome we have received. We look forward to meeting many more of you in the near future once we are able to. 

Over the past few weeks the Church Wardens and the PCCs have been working hard to ensure that our buildings are safe to open and as a result, it has been wonderful to be able to restart worship in each of our churches. We have put together a new pattern of Sunday services that will begin in October. Each Sunday across the benefice there will be two services of Holy Communion at 8.30am and 10.30am,  a lay-led worship service at 10.30, an evening service at 6.30pm, and a service over the telephone for anyone who is unable to get to church at 5pm.  Each Sunday morning one of our churches will be open for individual prayer and quiet reflection. There is a copy of the service pattern on the back of this letter.

In order for our churches to be ‘Covid Safe’ anyone attending church must wear a face covering (unless medically exempt), use hand sanitiser when entering the building, and provide contact details for test and trace purposes. In order to comply with social distancing rules, we have limited the number of people in each building at one time. To make the best use of the space available we are introducing a booking system for services that are outside of the normal Sunday service pattern. Details of how to book will be displayed with the service it applies to.

Our services will be displayed on the church notice boards and on our new weekly Benefice news sheet which will be available in church or vial email. (Please email Rev’d Cath  or ralph708(at)btinternet.com (at =@) for an email copy)  We also now have a Facebook page for each church so please follow and share our posts. In the New Year, it is hoped that we will be able to introduce a new Benefice Magazine that will cover all four villages.

As we approach Christmas we are looking at how we can worship and celebrate whilst staying safe and so or celebrations may look very different this year with the possibility of some things being online or via telephone conferencing. 

If you have any concerns or questions please get in touch.

God Bless

Revd Cath

Our 8.30 service will be in traditional language and along with the 10.30 service will be clergy led.

Our morning worship service will be led by members of our worship group.

Weddings, baptisms and funerals can still take place in church but numbers are limited to 30 people for funerals and 15 for weddings and 6 for a baptism outside of the normal Sunday service.

Please note that all our services will be subject to change in line with government advice and regulations.

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