Haughton Village News

Haughton Village News

Haughton - BKV Update

Well we are all tied down now hoping for things to get better, I hope everyone is safe and well. Obviously very little can be done at present but nature keeps on growing and life must continue. See attached some pictures from Peter Lawrence so when you go for your daily one hour exercise you can see how pretty the flower beds are.

The Community Foundation for Staffordshire sent out the following statement following the cancellation of BKV 2020. I think some of you may be interested in taking part.  

If you are spending time in your own garden and would like to showcase your work or, if you have children/grandchildren who would like to create a poster, please send them to bkvc@staffsfoundation.org.uk  and we will share them on our social media throughout the spring and summer months.

Just before these troubles it was decided that we would grow our own plants for the village this year and promptly ordered a load of plants for the village beds. These are now growing well, see the attached picture. There are around 500 coming on.

We will try and do litter picks and garden competitions if and when we think it can be done safely. Until the lockdown ends we can do nothing other than growing on the plants.  Please keep safe, continue to support the NHS and all the other essential workers. For those of you with gardens I bet they are the best they have ever been. 

Ian Sunley
Haughton BKV Coordinator 2020

Virus-free. www.avg.com

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